Welcome to the ONDA F.C. 6v6 women tournament! If you’re into fast-paced action and love the dynamics of small games, this is the place to be. We’d love to see you and/or your team there! Think you’ve got what it takes to win ? Let’s see what you’ve got!

The tournament at Marxalenes is powered by our partners, Ceremicas del Mediterraneo, Electricista Ya, Fonan y Salรณn 66. Thanks to their support, we’ve got some great prizes to win (see below)๐Ÿ’ช

Date & time

The tournament takes place on Saturday the 11th of May, starts at 09.45 and finishes at 13.45 (exluding third half;)) Please make sure your team is on time

# of teams
  • 5 teams will be active during this tournament
  • 4 team signupsย 
  • 1 Single team of individual ONDA players
# players per team

We allow a maximum of 8 players per team.

# of games
  • Group stage consists of 4 games per team
  • Top 4 joins the semi finals
  • Final will be played between the 2 best teams
Min. per game
  • All games are 15 minutes
Photos & videos

During the tournament we will take team pictures & photos and videos.

Third half

The prize ceremony will take place at the field, after the tournament we have the third half at the bar in front of the P.D. Marxalenes . You can find the location aquรญ.

Los รกrbitros lideran el juego.

Los รกrbitros son los encargados de la toma de decisiones durante los partidos del torneo.

Sin tacleadas deslizantes

Durante el torneo jugamos sin placajes deslizantes. Solo los porteros pueden deslizarse en su รกrea.

Kick-ins desde el banquillo

Cuando el balรณn sale del terreno de juego por las lรญneas laterales, no se realizan saques de banda desde las lรญneas laterales. En cambio, la pelota se coloca en el suelo y se pasa a un compaรฑero de equipo con el pie. Los saques de banda son indirectos y no se pueden anotar.

suscriptores ilimitados

Puedes sustituir jugadores cuando quieras durante el juego.


tiro libre cuando la pelota toca el brazo de un jugador ya sea accidental o deliberadamente.

sin fuera de juego

We don’t play with the offside rule in 6v6 games at Marxalenes

Todos los tiros libres directos, pared en 5m

Free kicks and corners the opposing team has to be minimum of 5 meter away from the ball. All free kicks are direct, unless thereโ€™s a backpass to the goalie and they pick it up by hand.

No extra time, penalties in (semi)finals

We play without extra time. Timing is strict. If equal score in the semi-finals and finals, we take 3 penalties.ย 

Goles de todas partes (excepto saques de porterรญa/saques de banda)

Los goles se pueden marcar desde cualquier parte del campo, excepto con un saque de meta, un saque de banda directo del portero o un saque de banda desde la lรญnea de banda.

Yellow & Red Card

3 min out if received yellow card and sent-off & suspended for next game if red card

  1. Nรบmero de puntos
  2. Diferencia de goles
  3. Nรบmero de goles marcados
  4. Fair play (yellow/red cards)
Traje deportivo

Nos encargamos de los campos, pelotas, materiales y dorsales amarillos y negros si es necesario. Si desea un color de equipo especรญfico, hรกganoslo saber. Asegรบrate de unirte a un juego con ropa deportiva.


Para todos nuestros campos de cรฉsped artificial recomendamos zapatillas para cรฉsped artificial. Marxalenes es cรฉsped artificial plano, por lo que recomendamos zapatos para cรฉsped con tacos mรบltiples.

Bring a water bottle

We will provide water tanks at the tournament where you can refill your water bottle. Don’t forget to bring a water bottle (we also have carton cups available if needed)